Your First Add-On

Creating FFS add-ons is quick and easy. All you need is a copy of FlyInside Flight Simulator and your favorite text editor!

First things first, as a sim add-on developer, you'll want Debugging Tools enabled for sure. Navigate to "Help -> About -> Usage Options" and check off "Show Debugging Tools". That's it, you'll see a "Debugging Tools" menu appear with a bunch of useful new options!

About Dialog

Now that we're ready to develop, fire up your favorite text-editor and create a file within the Simulator directory Data\Scripts\FirstAddon.chai

Every add-on script needs to contain the following functions:

def onStart()


def onGraphicsFrame()


onStart() is called when your script is loaded. onGraphicsFrame() is called every frame. Save these functions into your script, and run FlyInside Flight Simulator. Once the simulator loads, open the "Debugging Tools -> Script Manager" window from the menubar at the top of the screen. You should see your new add-on script listed.

Script Manager

To run your add-on, simply click the checkbox next to it. Because your script is empty, nothing should happen. Let's make it do something!

def onStart()
    print("Hello, world!");

def onGraphicsFrame()


Now try again. There's no need to restart the simulator, you can simply check and uncheck the checkbox next to your script.

Script Manager

Before proceeding to the following tutorial, I recommend reading up on ChaiScript. While we cover simulator functions and provide plenty of examples, we don't cover the language itself.

How can you create an add-on which loads with the simulator, instead of needing to open it through the Script Manager every time? Simply name the file "Startup_FirstAddon.chai". FlyInside Flight Simulator will load any script which starts with "Startup_" when the simulator first loads.